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Auto Liability: Automobile liability covers the named insured of the policy in result of bodily injury to another person with an insured vehicle.


Auto Property Damage: Covers property damage that is caused by a named insured with an insured vehicle. ex. this will pay to fix the other party(s) vehicles due to an accident caused by the insured.


Comprehensive Insurance: Covers damage to a named insured's vehicle that is not the insured's fault or could not be avoided. (ex. hitting a deer, tree falling on the vehicle, etc.)


Collision Insurance: Covers damage to a named insured's vehicle that is the insured's "fault" or could have been avoided. (ex. rear ending another vehicle, backing up into a pole, etc.)


Towing & Roadside Assistance: Some insurance policies may offer towing coverage or roadside assistance for a named insured if their vehicle were to break-down. This would also cover a tow after an accident.


Rental Car or Vehicle: Some insurance policies may cover a rental vehicle for the named insured after an accident occurs. The purpose for rental coverage is so that the named insured will have a way of transportation while their vehicle is being fixed.

Interested in an automobile insurance quote?


Automobile Insurance

Collector Car Insurance

Agreed Value Coverage

Truck Insurance

Leased Vehicles

Automobile Restorations

Multi-Vehicle Policies

Exotic Automobiles



For more details on automobile insurance coverage, please contact a Jacob Insurance Service agent by calling 260.665.3194

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